Consignment is a fun and easy way to de-clutter and make a little pocket money along the way. Please be sure all items are in clean, current and sellable condition to avoid disappointment of some items being rejected. Depending on current inventory, some items may be temporarily passed on until space allows. Check the Consign tab under the ABOUT menu for items we do and don't accept.
The Alley Door
$25.00 fee (deducted from your first consignment payout check) covers the shop year for BOTH the Home Shop and Clothing Shop.
The Consignment Period lasts 6 weeks year round. It is the Consignor's responsibility to reclaim items (priced above $10) prior to the expiration date, or items will become shop property. Items not sold after the expiration date can be reclaimed any time.
Consignor's commission is 40% of the selling price for items under $10. 50% for items $11-$20, 60% for items over $20 and 65% for items above $350. (We are still one of the highest splits on the Main Line.)
Consigning is done on a DROP OFF only basis, when the shops are open. Drop offs will be accepted until 3PM in the Home Shop, and Clothing Shop.
The minimum consigning price is $7.00 market value. All items must be clean and in good condition. No items under $10 will be permitted for reclaims.
The daily limit is 15 articles per visit in the Home Shop and 10 items in the Clothing Shop, not more than 5 items per category, unless posted otherwise. All items are displayed at the discretion of the shop personnel.
The Home Shop
All reclaiming will be done between 11AM and 3PM on shop opening days. No items under $10 are permitted to reclaim.
Consignor is responsible for locating items. Telephone reclaim requests will not be accepted.
Items that cannot be located priced $20 and up may be placed on the "missing" list.
Reclaimed articles cannot be reconsigned for 6 weeks.
Holiday items must be reclaimed one week past holiday.
The Clothing Shop
PAYMENT policy
Consignor checks will be mailed at the beginning of every other month (effective July ‘23) for items sold during the previous 2 months. CHECKS ARE NOT VALID AFTER 60 DAYS OF ISSUE. Please contact the office for a replacement if your original check is lost. Every effort will be made to contact consignors if checks remain uncashed. After a one (1) year period, monies from uncashed checks become donations to the Neighborhood League Shops.